15 June 2019

A new flag

"On 26 January 2018 Ausflag launched a new Australian 'Commonwealth' flag."

"Ausflag is an apolitical, non-profit organisation seeking to secure the popular support of the Australian people for the adoption of a truly Australian flag."

A republic that acknowledges its history, and can embrace its present honestly, with clarity and courage, needs a flag that represents all its people.

Everyone in this southern land looks up to see the same sky above no matter who they are or where they have come from. 

The Southern Cross constellation was known to the ancient Greeks. Over time it disappeared from view in the northern sky. Then in the 1400s Portuguese explorers sailing beyond North star visibility used the Southern Cross as a navigational aid.

It has long been an important mythological symbol in the southern hemisphere.       

In 2017 the international naming authority revised the name of the smallest star in the configuration. It has been officially named Ginan. The Wardaman people of the Northern Territory had given it this name thousands of years ago.

A new flag enables a new awareness of a collective identity in which all can feel included. A true history speaks with diverse voices tracing the formation of the values that set us apart from our grim beginnings and welcomes new comers to partake of and enhance the common wealth.